Always put your best foot forward.

“As you become more successful, the gender barrier disappears. The credibility challenges you have during your growing up years starts disappearing when you start demonstrating success. “

In life, we are presented with thousands of opportunities. Some of these opportunities could be landing an interview for your dream job, getting accepted into university or an opportunity for your own start-up. It could be meeting the man of your dreams! Whatever it may be, life is full of wonderful opportunities, and sometimes it is really up to us and individuals to take life by the hands and just go for it!

This all sounds too easy, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with supermodel genetics, family fortune, royal blood or celebrity status and we have to work incredibly hard to create opportunities for ourselves. Further to this point, as human beings we can become overwhelmed, uncomfortable and once nerves kick in, we can totally blow it. I remember being a 16 year old me and going for an admission for a fine arts diploma. I was asked to make a clay model. I was so nervous, I was shaking, I was stuttering. Let’s just save myself any further humiliation and get to the point here- I totally BLEW it!! The funny thing is, I look back now and think I didn’t even really want that degree, why was I so nervous?

Putting your best foot forward is an important, yet under-rated life skill. Putting your best foot forward means presenting yourself in the best possible light. It means making a great first impression.

There is something so appealing and attractive about confidence- whether it is inner confidence or confidence you see in others. Confidence is often attributed to success, so the saying goes “fake it till you make it.” From personal experience, confidence is developed over time and is something that comes with life experience. Much like learning to ride a bike or drive a car, confidence comes with practice and exposing yourself to things which may initially be out of your comfort zone. The more you get used to presenting to a crowd, speaking with executives or networking at social events, the more natural it will feel.

“Always put your best foot forward, because you never know where your next step may lead you.”

Like mentioned earlier, not everyone is born to be the next Victoria’s Secret Angel, however we can certainly put some effort into daily morning rituals and maintain a high standard of personal presentation. After all, you never know who you are going to bump into! I once heard the saying “Dress like you are going to bump into your ex.” If this is what motivates you to put that extra effort in the morning, go for it! Even on my laziest day, I will still show up to work with a full face of makeup and my hair slicked back into a ponytail. What if today is the day you have an important meeting, presentation or interview sprung onto you, or you meet the man of your dreams at your local cafe? I don’t know about you, but I would certainly be wanting to look my best.

It can be difficult to find what sets yourself apart from others in the professional world — but not impossible. Take some time and identify a niche, specialized skill that you possess. This could be a particular certification or the way you handle your work. One particular skill that emphasized is the value of being good at talking about what you do.Once you’ve established what your particular skill is, own it by writing about it regularly, and find some platform on which to publish your work. By doing this, you will distinguish yourself in your field and open doors as you advance your career.

We may not all be privileged and born with a silver spoon, however we are all presented with certain opportunities and it is up to you as the individual to shine from the crowd! By keeping the basic principles in mind, you will be able to make a positive, lasting impression and always put your best foot forward, whatever the circumstances may be!


I do the very best I know how, the very best I can, and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.

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